Caroline Moss and Liza Marchant, of the Kipperfoot Dance Company, put Stonehenge School Year 8 pupils through their paces during a dance workshop at the school this week. Picture: DAVID SMITH DA4705DANCE is being used to deliver a strong anti-smoking message to young people in Amesbury this week.

Working with pupils from Years 7 and 8, Kipperfoot Dance Company has been holding a series of workshops at Stonehenge School in Amesbury and Upper Avon School in Durrington.

The workshop, entitled Smoke - Dying For A Cigarette, includes discussion, question-and-answer sessions and a video presentation and aims to show young people the effects of smoking.

The project has been organised by Wiltshire county council youth development service and is the springboard to a new dance project, Zero Gravity, for young people in Amesbury.