CHRISTMAS Care is holding a special supper to thank the volunteers who helped them provide food and shelter for the homeless over the festive season.

Around 30 people were given a bed at the temporary hostel set up at Queens Drive Methodist Church, and more than 100 visited during the day for warmth and food.

"Christmas Care is a true team effort and we would like to thank everyone who participated, particularly the volunteers and all the churches, businesses, schools, pubs and individuals who donated to the project," said secretary Patsy Moloney.

"Every bit helps and by the end of it we feel very humbled by the generosity and warmth shown by the people of Swindon."

He added that they were extremely grateful to the minister and congregation at the church for allowing the project to use their facilities.

The supper social evening is being held on Wednesday, January 28, at the church from 7.30pm.