Front Garden: After reading your article "Mr Prescott, will you decide for us?" in the Tuesday, January 6 edition of the Evening Advertiser, I would like to make it clear that Coun Bawden was acting as a ward councillor (Old Town and Lawn), as were the other councillors who signed this letter, ie, Fionuala Foley (Old Town and Lawn), Jemima Milton (Wroughton and Chiseldon), Bill Morton (Wroughton and Chiseldon) and myself (Wroughton and Chiseldon).

By this action, we are trying to be clear and transparent, something the current Labour government preaches but does not always practice. We want to act in the best interests of all the inhabitants of Swindon, but especially our constituents in Wroughton and Chiseldon and Old Town and Lawn.

As you are aware, I have always opposed this development and I would be very happy if the Deputy Prime Minister decided to stop this development. However I am a realist and unfortunately I feel this is unlikely.

Coun Brian Ford
