With Swindon set to boom in 2004, Lloyds TSB Business is urging local small businesses and potential start-ups to kickstart the New Year by reviewing their business plans to see how they can take advantage of favourable local economic conditions.

To help small firms do this, Lloyds TSB is offering all business owners the chance to meet with a trained business manager and work through RouteMap a business development programme that can help firms identify their goals and find ways to reach them.

David Nicholls, senior business manager, Lloyds TSB, Swindon, said: "The growth in housing and building, the planned development of a new university campus as well as a good economic outlook, will be making local companies look at themselves and their markets in a new light.

"Lloyds TSB Business can help them make the right decisions, whether the firm is planning to grow, expand into new markets or reduce current finance costs."

For a free business review, contact Kevin Bottomley on 01635 569155.
