HOW very kind of the Swindon Borough Council to ask the electorate to chose from a list of given options as to where cuts in expenditure can be made, although they say that the outcome will in no way be binding. This is nothing more than a confidence trick. All the items listed are ones which it is hoped will play on the feelings of the electorate.

There is indeed no cause to close residential homes, charge for bin bags or shut toilets. The council is correct to ask the people to decide where cuts should be made, but it should give them a free hand in doing so without any guidance from above.

I could suggest numerous ways of saving money and it would be interesting to hear the views of your readers on this matter.

First of all we could cut the size of the council by a third. This would save a considerable amount in expenses paid.

Secondly we could dispense with the services of a mayor for a two year trial period thus saving his expense account, running his car and wages for his driver. Life in Swindon would go on just the same and his presence would not be missed.

Another way to save money would be to ensure that all future surveys be carried out in house by the staff already on the payroll. Far too much has already been spent on the use of outsiders to do this work.

A big cut back in the number of council vans which we see all over the town would save a large amount of money. It seems that every outworker drives a council van these days.

These are but a few suggestions and none would harm the old, the sick and the less well off members of our community which is more than I can say for the proposals put forward by our council.


Burdens Close