IT makes absolutely no sense to close a well-used library that moved into a permanent home only a year ago and whose computers have been in use for just one week.

If the borough council goes ahead with this plan for Even Swindon it will be an economic decision worthy of the mad house.

And it is unreasonable for Coun Justin Tomlinson, lead member for public services and recreation, to try justifying it by saying that it costs more to issue a book there than at the town's other libraries. He is not comparing like with like.

The Even Swindon question is just part of a decision-making process that is likely to attract further scorn from areas where local authorities are apparently more far-sighted than ours is about cultural amenities.

The irony of the fact that book borrowing in Swindon is increasing even with a grotty central library that ought to have been torn down and replaced years ago will not be lost on those who care about this town and are prepared for a fight to maintain its resources.

We are all aware that the council has limited resources and expanding problems.

But councillors must think again about suggested closures of branch libraries that are both needed and valued. If they don't they will not be forgiven.