GOVERNORS shut the doors on a 150-year-old village school on Thursday pledging the move is in the children's best interests.

Wiltshire County Council had rubber-stamped plans to close Steeple Ashton C of E Primary School last week leaving governors with the final say.

Now the remaining children will be shifted to other nearby primary schools after governors decided not to challenge the decision and set a date for closure.

Generations of villagers have used the school for over 150 years but dwindling numbers meant just eight pupils were left when youngsters returned for lessons after Christmas.

Sarah Content, chairman of governors, said: "It was a tough decision. All the staff and governors are 100 per cent dedicated to the school.

"We feel we let the children down but at the end of the day we feel it will be for the best and now they can move forward and look to a future in a new school elsewhere."

Wiltshire County Council has designated Keevil Primary School as the destination for youngsters from Steeple Ashton.

The last children will finish their lessons on April 2 and start at new schools for the summer term.