WHEN will those people who support the Haydon Wick Skateboard Park realise that those residents against it are not against the skateboarders and children having fun as suggested by T Hudson in Wednesday's Adver.

We too agree these law abiding youngsters need somewhere to go. It's just that the site chosen is not the right one.

We are however against the groups of mindless idiots who think it is fun to walk the streets and cause mayhem and vandalism to innocent peoples property.

Those we read about every day. Yes they are the minority but unfortunately they do exist. Come on wake up to reality. This is 2004 not 1904.

I have already heard through reliable sources that the troublemakers who live far afield and will be coming by bus can't wait for the park to open. Not to go skateboarding but to fight local teenagers and walk the streets.

They will not be picked up by mummy and daddy at 9pm when the park closes. They will explore the local area and cause trouble. The only thing they know how to do. Of course that won't effect Councillor Hailstone as his house is tucked out of the way.

It does not matter, the site is not in anyone's back yard. This will not stop the vandals from leaving the park and roaming around. And as for it being by the main road, those coming by bus will jump off the bus and walk straight across the road, expecting drivers to stop. You only have to be passing any senior school at the end of the school day to witness this. The accidents will be never ending.

So please stop thinking we all have no time of day for the youngsters of Haydon Wick. A lot of us who oppose the site in question have teenage children of our own who are into skateboarding.

We do, however, have no time for the groups of vandals who will be attracted to the park and area. We fear for our safety and property.

