There is still time for people to get their entry forms in for Highworth Running Club's 19th annual five-mile run.

About 300 people are expected to take part in the event on April 25.

Organisers say age and lack of speed are no barriers and anyone wanting to run in fancy dress would be welcome.

The run leaves Highworth's Warneford School, passes Wrag Barn then on to the Fresden crossroads, down Fresden Lane and back along the Coleshill Road into the finish at Warneford School, where every finisher will receive a medal.

Entry forms are available from Tadpoles' Toy Shop, Highworth Recreation Centre and Simpson's Garage.

The cost of the run is £5 for club-affiliated people and £6 for the non-affiliated. Entries on the day will cost £1 extra.

Cheques, made payable to Highworth Running Club, should be sent to with two stamped self-addressed A5- sized envelopes to Highworth 5M Entry, Jason Daniels, 16 Barra Close, Highworth, Swindon, SN6 7HX.