I was very interested to read the History of Westlecot Manor and of the Goddard family who have left their mark on Swindon. There seems to be a few missing years on the occupation of the manor.

In 1928 my family moved to Westlecot Cottages in the field below the manor through the 30s and 40s. Mr and Mrs Thomas Sutton, their son and two daughters lived in the manor.

Mr and Mrs Collins lived in a house at the top of the drive and Mr Collins was employed by Mr Sutton.

We had a plaque on the cottage which was FPG 1912. This referred to Fitzroy Playdell Goddard.

I don't know how long the Suttons lived there. They were still there in 1944 when I was married and moved from the cottages.

My parents moved in 1946.

(Mrs) D FRY

Haydon Wick