Ref. 12429/01GAZETTE & HERALD: FIFTY shoppers were 'shot' for Amnesty International last weekend at the Buttercross in Market Place, Chippenham, in a bid to control the arms trade.

Their photographs were taken by the North Wiltshire branch of the international pressure group for a global photo petition against the arms trade.

Alan Tucker, secretary of the North Wilts group, said: "Amnesty International aims to collect over a million faces in support of an international treaty to control the arms trade.

"We were very pleased by how many people in Chippenham signed up .

"The actress Helen Mirren is supporting the campaign and with the help of some clever imagery she 'appeared' at the Buttercross three times during the day, for people to pose alongside."

Mr Tucker continued: "Millions of people are killed each year as a result of the lack of proper controls on the arms trade.

"This is a chance for people to join with others around the world and add their voice, and their face, to a call for better control of the arms trade."

Shoppers of all ages added their faces to the petition, he said.

Later this week the shoppers will be able to log on to the Internet and see their pictures on a web site, which is called

The web site is part of the Million Faces campaign on arms control.