GOVERNMENT chiefs behind new election procedures have asked for help and advice from Codford Parish Council.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister has invited representatives from the village to advise the Government on postal voting.

Codford Parish Council is one of only five local councils across the country summoned to the House of Commons to address a select committee next week.

Romy Wyeth, chairman of the council, said: "We have very strong views on the issue of postal voting and we will be giving evidence and advice to the Government on how it affects parish councils.

"I feel the postal service just isn't reliable enough in rural areas such as Codford for it to succeed and doesn't allow candidates to take part in the democratic process.

"It is nice to think that of all the places in the country Codford Parish Council has been called up to put forward our evidence on Government policy."

The electorate can apply to cast their vote at elections and the Government is now considering options to expand the scheme.