FITNESS classes aimed at encouraging the over 50s to think about health and exercise have been started in Trowbridge.

Castle Place Leisure Centre is hosting a four-week series of classes specifically aimed at the older generation.

As well as teaching fitness methods in the gym, the course will focus on health issues and the increased risks posed by conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis.

Fitness instructor Andi Foster said the new course, called LIFE, is all about education.

"It is encouraging people to do a little bit of exercise and show it goes a long way," he said.

"There is definitely a demand for it as we are an ageing population and because of that we need to look harder at the older clientele.

"Those people over 50 generally have not done much exercise before.

"Our knowledge about health and exercise is so much better nowadays."

Mr Foster said exercising at an easy pace could help reduce the risk of illness and help older people enjoy a more active life.

The course, which started on Monday, will run into next month with sessions held three times a week.