I WOULD like to make a comment on the recent article of Lord Stoddart.

If I remember rightly the people of Swindon threw him out and I find it very ironic that the case he put for keeping the Lords and Judiciary is stating the obvious.

Who gave him, an unelected Lord, the right to dictate to us when we can get rid of this Tory majority supported by people like Lord Stoddart.

It is a case of I'm all right, Jack. This bunch of Lords and Ladies must be sent into the history books so I hope Tony Blair will use the Parliament Act and get rid of them as soon as possible.

We have lived in the past too long in this country. It is still the Tories trying to run the country through an unelected body, still cannot accept they are out of office.

All the moaners of Tony Blair are the same people who kept us in the wilderness for 18 years.


Upper Stratton