A CIVIL War skirmish and a concert by a London orchestra are the planned highlights at this year's Old Town Festival.

This festival, the largest of its kind in Swindon, will be a bumper event almost two weeks from June 22 to July 4.

Among the highlights planned are a concert by the City of London Sinfonia Orchestra with a soprano and fireworks, and a mock Civil War battle provided by members of the Sealed Knot society.

The Sealed Knot will help to mark the 361 years since Parliamentary troops under Essex camped in Old Town before the battle of Aldbourne Chase.

There will also be an early morning hot air balloon launch from the Croft playing fields, and a range of events on the Lawn and the Old Town Gardens as well as the ever-popular procession, which this year will be led by the New Orleans-style Adamant marching band and an appearance by Queen Victoria.

There will also be a number of jazz events, which organisers hope will make up for the loss of Swindon's jazz festival this year.

Although many of the events have not yet been confirmed, the organisers are optimistic.

Old Town Festival Committee chairman Neil Butters, who took over from former chairman Harry Bromley in December, said he wanted to showcase the town's cultural heritage.

"This is a very important year for the Old Town area and there are a large number of anniversaries to mark," said Mr Butters.

Among those is the 60th anniversary of the Tanwood School of Dancing and the 40th anniversary of the Swindon Art Gallery.

It will also mark the centenary Thamesdown Transport and Swindon Corporation Tramways, the 120th anniversary of the formation of the Midland & South Western Junction Railway, whose general offices were in Old Town, as well as the 150th anniversary of the Evening Advertiser.

Mr Butters added: "We want to showcase what Swindon and Old Town has to offer by bringing the best quality entertainment for visitors.

"Swindon is a highly cultural town. Our art gallery has one of the foremost collections of modern art in the country."

To find out how you can help, call Neil Butters on 01793 490131 or vice chairman Brian Mattock on 01793 522540.

l Adver 150: How a cartoonist kept readers entertained Pages 24 and 25

Anthony Osborne