GAZETTE & HERALD: POLICE are looking for an elderly person travelling on an electric invalid carriage, spotted in the Malmesbury Road area of Chippenham on Saturday last week, following an arson attack on a family home.

Street to street inquiries have left police officers with few leads regarding the mysterious attack on the home of Alan and Karin Meed, when burning paper was stuck through the letter box of their home.

But DC Ian Lansdown said they were keen to speak with a person seen in the area on the invalid carriage, in case they had information about the incident.

They are also looking for the owners of a light coloured saloon car, parked outside Parklands residential home close to the home attacked by the arsonists.

"There is no obvious motive for the attack," said DC Lansdown.

Anyone with information about the incident should contact DC Lansdown at Chippenham Police Station on (01249) 654455.