AS a volunteer who works in Southwick Park, who has to work in and around the dog mess, it is not very nice.

I agree with the people who wrote last week about the park. The site should be kept as it is, a country park for people and nature.

Why build a football ground on green belt land when there is so much land empty in the centre of Trowbridge?

I have great concern about the number of dogs running loose in the park.

My concern is with so many dogs running around off the lead. It's not going to be long before someone gets bitten or worse.

On February 8 I had just arrived in the park to do some hedge laying.

I had just put my food bag down and as quick as a flash a dog had pulled out my egg sandwiches and scoffed them all down.

The lady dog owner was not very sympathetic and could not have cared less. She was so rude.

I don't mind working at Southwick Park in helping wildlife but how on earth can the wildlife move into this new haven when there are so many dogs running around this site?

If dog owners want to use this park then they should help in looking after and maintaining this park for all to use, as do the volunteers like me.

Many hands can achieve a lot more and you might like doing it as I do.

I do think some of these issues need to be sorted out in the near future.

