A TRAINEE nurse and midwife in Tanzania is to benefit from the proceeds of a coffee morning in Swindon.

Members of Bath Road Methodist Church in Old Town are trying to raise six million Tanzanian Shillings about £2,950 for Jane Mlahagwa, a student at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Moshi.

Her connection with the Bath Road Church is via her husband, Moses, who worshipped there while staying in Swindon 17 years ago.

The fundraising coffee morning, also featuring a cake sale, will be held this Saturday from 10am until noon.

Organiser Carol Hine said: "Mrs Mlahagwa started her three-year degree course in September of 2001, and this year she is due to take her finals.

"As she has failed to find a sponsor, she will have to give up her studies if the money to pay for her course cannot be raised."