MOTORISTS in Swindon are to face fines of up to £1,000 if they are caught wrongly using a disabled badge.

The Government has tabled an amendment to the Traffic Management Bill to end the abuse of the blue badges, which allow drivers to park in special bays.

For the first time police and traffic wardens will be allowed to demand to see the badges.

Inspectors can check the motorist has a badge, is using it correctly and has not borrowed it from a relative or friend.

Transport Minister Tony McNulty said he wanted to make sure ensure that parking spaces are available to those who need them most.

He added: "Abuse of the scheme by those who are not entitled to its concessions undermines its credibility and has an immediate impact on the mobility of disabled people who are unable to make use of parking spaces which are being used illegally.

"Those misusing the badge will be more likely to think twice as they could be fined up to £1,000 on conviction."

About 2 million blue badges have been issued in the UK.