FURTHER to your article on the use of car parks at night for Residents' Parking (RP), March 16, 2004, I made this obvious suggestion to the then Lib Dem councillor Anne Baxter on June 15, 1999 who informed me that a similar suggestion made on March 17, 1999 was turned down, stating that "it was not the responsibility of the council to provide spaces for the residents."

This in spite of the fact that the council determines the operating times for RP and the boundaries of the various zones, which acts against the very principle of the scheme.

It can be frustrating when living on a council defined boundary to have to park your car half a mile away when there is plenty of space just across the road, albeit in a different zone.

It may be argued that parking is permitted in the wrong zone at night, but if the car has to be left behind the following day (an early departure in another car, for instance) then a penalty ticket would surely follow. At least being able to use a car park would probably ensure a space was available and would probably extend the life of the average wing mirror.

Tony Foss (head of parking) EA March 16, 2004 says "that car parks are often a long way from people's homes and their use at night would represent a significant loss of revenue for the council."

Perhaps Mr Foss does not live in Zone E otherwise he would know that there is a car park within walking distance for all able-bodied residents in that zone.

As far as loss of revenue is concerned perhaps Mr Foss does not get out very much at night, otherwise he would see that the car parks are usually empty at midnight.

With regards to one ticket per household, while this would appear to be fair, where is a second car to be parked? After all there are no spaces available outside RP, two hour zones and double yellow lines.


Eastcott Road