I WOULD like to respond to C Shrive's letter, Pick up your litter (EA, March 22).

Firstly, my letter about dog mess was aimed at irresponsible dog walkers, not the responsible ones who do clean up after their dogs.

Secondly, C Shrive seems to think that I take my children to Liden to drop litter outside his/her house, which is ridiculous.

Thirdly, I live in Park North and I was trying to get a dog patrol in the Parks area.

I have no need to go to Liden unless visiting my brother.

Fourthly, I also have to pick-up litter from my garden as I have a hedge at the front of my house where people stick their litter on their way past.

I was brought up by two wonderful parents who taught me never to drop litter and to respect my elders etc, and my children are being brought up the same way.

There are many responsible dog owners in Park North and I salute C Shrive for keeping Liden tidy. I wish there were more people like us who care about the area we live in.


Park North