Mr C Crowther is absolutely correct, farmers do not keep animals of any kind in their fields because they look cute.

They are nothing more and nothing less than a product, a commodity, that the farmer artificially produces for profit, and for no other reason.

So the obvious conclusion is that if people didn't eat them, they wouldn't be bred in such numbers!

Like Mr C Crowther, I too have grown tired but, in this case, of people who want to eat themselves into all kinds of illnesses from obesity to heart attack, cancer and so much more.

They are overburdening the NHS and the taxpayer, who are expected to pay to pick up the disaster of other people's wilful, bigoted and ill-informed choices.

On top of this health and environmental catastrophe that is animal husbandry and poor diet, we are forced to pay for inappropriate research to be carried out on yet more poor benighted animals, in order to find a non-existent magic bullet pill, to cure these unnecessary ills.

With reference to the hilarious veggie burger choke, sorry joke; can you think of anything funnier than a meat eater digging his own grave with his teeth?

Denis Harrison
