A SALISBURY driver caught on-camera speeding through the Solstice Park roadworks on the A303 near Amesbury has set up a website for fellow victims, with a view to challenging the legality of the speed restrictions.

Alex Hapted said hundreds of drivers had been booked for speeding through the temporary 40mph restrictions imposed on both carriageways of the A303 at Solstice Park, formerly known as Folly Bottom.

Like him, he said, most claim there were no 40mph signs in place at the time they were caught.

Mr Hapted, who lives in Partridge Way, Old Sarum, said he was caught travelling at 57mph on the eastbound carriageway of the A303 on February 14 and received a £60 fine and three points on his previously clean licence.

Mr Hapted said: "I am not denying that I was travelling at this speed but I know that there were not any speed signs warning of the 40mph restrictions in place.

"I remember that because, although there were no speed signs, the carriageway had effectively been made into a single carriage and I made sure I remained below 60mph, the national speed limit for a single carriage road."

Mr Hapted said he had later discovered two other people had received tickets on the same stretch and neither had seen any signs.

Mr Hapted said he was aware that, earlier this year, a garage in Amesbury had displayed a petition for motorists who had been booked and that "hundreds of people had protested their innocence".

Mr Hapsted said: "I now know I am not alone and that maybe if enough people stand up for their rights, then something might be done. I have set up a special e-mail address, a303@ qualitytimes.co.uk, so we can try to gather a group of people affected by this issue and do something about it."

Mr Hapted said he would like to see the statistics for the camera site at Solstice Park.

"Have a statistically larger number of speed fines been issued from this one spot on a certain day (the days where doubt has been raised) in comparison with other sites of restricted speed limits and temporary speed cameras?

"Figures like this can often show whether something out of the ordinary has occurred."

The Journal has been contacted by a large number of drivers caught at Solstice Park, and one of them, Claire Allison, of Amesbury - who intends challenging her summons - claimed that 13,000 drivers had been caught at the spot in the three months between December and February.

This claim was described as "totally ridiculous" by the manager of Wiltshire's central road safety unit, Dave Frampton.

Mr Frampton said that, although no specific figures were collated for individual camera sites, the average number of motorists caught speeding through all the camera sites in Wiltshire was between 4,000 and 5,000.

As the Journal reported earlier this month, strict checks are made by engineers and police officers before speed cameras start operating and details are logged.

But Mr Hapted said: "With so many people stating that they weren't, surely it should be investigated further, because something is clearly not right."