I HAVE just received my council tax bill for 2004/5 which states that the increase on last year's is eight per cent yet the council stated that the increase of 7.3 per cent was passed at their committee meeting.

What a deception! 0.7 per cent difference does not sound a lot, but will be quite a significant amount extra collected from over the whole of the borough. Perhaps it is an error for which they may blame the computers. I have rung the tax department several times, but never got through, as there was always a queue on the line, it can be quite expensive hanging on for we don't know how long!

With reference to A C Carter's letter (EA March 22) criticising Frank Avenell, I think Frank has done a good job, he has highlighted not only the plight of the pensioner's having to pay a higher percentage of their income in council tax, than most workers, but also included the low income families in his pleas.

Frank has written several times listing the areas where the council has blatantly misspent our money, he was not moaning but stating home truths!

M M Greenwood
