Flower power could be the key to success for Cricklade this year.

The Cricklade Bloomers group wants to get as many people as possible involved in improving the town's environment.

They are holding a clean-up week, starting on April 26, and a Freshen Up Your Front day on May 1.

The group aims to eradicate litter, dog fouling, graffiti, fly posting and weeds so the town has a good chance in the Britain In Bloom competition.

The contest, run by the Royal Horticultural Society, will look at the design and quality of floral displays.

But the judges will also consider the quality of the town's environment, waste prevention, nature conservation and the quality of its landscaping.

The town council does not yet know when judges will be visiting the town.

The Bloomers say they would welcome any suggestions on how to involve all members of the community, particularly children, in making Cricklade a place to be proud of.

Some of the ideas already suggested include organising a hanging basket workshop, a sculpture contest using waste products and a sunflower competition.

The Bloomers are urging residents to attend the annual town meeting on Monday in the United Reformed Church, Calcutt Street. Anyone with suggestions should call 01793 751403.