WRVS FEATURE: MANY elderly people take advantage of council-run day centres around the town.

But there are other services and clubs that do their best to make life a little less lonely.

Apart from the WRVS home library there is also a frozen meals service in Wiltshire that provides people with more than a ready-cooked lunch.

The organisation needs more volunteers, not just for these kinds of services, but for its hospital shop and the emergency call out service that sets up feeding stations and evacuation centres for major incidents.

Age Concern's befriending scheme is backed up by a telephone service which means people are called for a chat on a regular basis and to make sure they are ok.

It also runs various lunch clubs in the town.

Volunteers get their expenses paid and support and training are provided. Call 692166 for information.

Contact the Elderly is a charity that uses volunteer drivers and hosts to provide elderly people with a social outing.

Hosts are only required to provide one tea party a year, while drivers are needed on Sunday afternoons once a month. Call Swindon 853236 for details.

Day and social centres include:

Fessey House in Haydon Wick, run by Age Concern (725844).

Gerring Day Centre run by the borough council (435440).

Langton House in Wharf Road, Wroughton run by the borough council (812661).

Whitbourne House in Whitbourne Avenue, also run by the council (523003).

Wick House, Buttermere, Liden, run by the council (641189).

Pinehurst People's Centre, Beech Avenue (487104).

Information can also be obtained from the council on 463000.