I AM sorry that David Thomas fears for the parish of Chiseldon (Group slams the apathy of villagers, EA March 25).

When other people fail to support something you feel strongly about and have worked hard for it is natural to feel angry and upset, I do sympathise! I've been there, done that and got the scars to prove it, but instead of accepting the 'apathetic' label slapped on us in such a public fashion I would like to offer one or two other points of view.

I am sure the steering group thought carefully about their plans but did they really ask the right questions, and in the right way? Was a questionnaire the most effective way to involve people?

Did they consider that broad schemes might be regarded somewhat sceptically by those familiar with the long-running farce of the Memorial Hall?

Criticising people for living in Chiseldon and working elsewhere is perhaps not very helpful. It may not be ideal but it is not immoral and it's how things are today.

We cannot return to the golden days of a village life that are presumed to have existed at some unspecified date in the past. We must look at the existing situation and make the most of what we have.

And what I see we have is a community in which adults and children greet friends and strangers alike in friendly fashion. We have a village primary school, a doctor's surgery, post office, hairdresser, three shops, two pubs, various craftsmen and a library service.

We have a good neighbours scheme helping newcomers; classes in art, yoga, tae kwon-do and French; clubs for a range of interests from tennis to history, not to mention a theatre group that has raised at least £1,500 a year for charity from its well-supported performances over the past six years. Sponsor forms for marathon runners and Moonwalkers are regularly filled. Volunteers pick up litter now that Swindon cannot offer us a street cleaner.

Chiseldon apathetic? It depends where you are standing.

It is not perfect. Of course there are things to be done, but you have to go the right way about it. I won't have my home of 32 years rubbished! Come and do a survey, Evening Advertiser, and give us the sort of double page spread you recently gave Abbey Meads, and don't despair David.

