A group of 40 Wiltshire pensioners is hoping to strike gold at the next giant car boot sale on April 25 at the Castle Combe circuit.

Volunteers from Yatton Keynell Luncheon Club hope to raise up to £1,000 to finance the programme of activities for pensioners living in seven villages within a ten mile radius of the circuit. Organising secretary Ann Woolford said the event was their major fund-raising opportunity.

The money will be used to finance their day trips and Christmas party, and to make a donation to the Village Link local transport service.

"The April car boot sale will give us an excellent early start for our fund-raising and the crowds of bargain hunters always give us very generous support," she said.

The Luncheon Club, which has been going for 31 years, is one of eight local good causes supported by Castle Combe Circuit to raise funds at the massive monthly boot sales, the largest of their kind in the South West.

Browsers and buyers donate 25p each to the chosen charity, while sellers are charged £8 per car and vans pay between £10 and £25 depending on size. The sale is open to the public from 9am-2pm.