A CHILDREN'S book of short stories is helping raise cash for the Swindon Cancer Appeal.

Jessica Bond, 82, of Penhill, is the mastermind behind the 30-page book Happy Days With Rachel And Billy.

She said: "I have been reading all about the Swindon Cancer Appeal in the Adver and thought it was such a worthwhile cause that I wanted to do my bit to help the appeal.

"We know people who have had cancer. It affects so many people, and Macmillan nurses do an excellent job."

The book, which costs £3.99, is available from the appeal office, at Ambrose House, Milton Road, Swindon, other small book shops and WH Smith. Sixty per cent of all book sales will go to the appeal.

Jessica, a grandmother-of-one, said: "Writing used to be just a hobby but I had always wanted to get a book published."

Local businesses who would like to stock the book can contact publishers AH Stockwell Ltd, Elms Court, Torrs Park, Devon EX34 8BA or call 01271 862557.

The appeal aims to raise £600,000 to pay for two Macmillan nurses and a consultant in palliative care. The total currently stands at £357,929.

Anyone who wants more information should call appeal manager Graziella Campisano on 01793 601636.