SWINDON'S Stop the War Coalition is inviting people to have a say in its future direction.

Its annual general meeting is on Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Friends Meeting House in Eastcott Hill, and leaders are asking people to go along and say what they think about the last year's activities.

These have included protests against the Iraq war and the American prisoner of war camp in Guatanamo Bay in Cuba.

Secretary Andy Newman said: "Swindon Stop the War Coalition has established itself as a campaigning force in the town in the last two years, but what do people feel about it?

"Whatever else we achieved we didn't stop the war on Iraq, and there are clearly fewer people involved in the campaign now than there were before the war started.

"We want to discuss whether we could have prevented the attack on Iraq by behaving differently.

"We want to know what people think we should be doing now.

"Some people might think Swindon Stop the War Coalition doesn't reflect the wide, diverse opinions against the war.

"Others may feel we have been too antagonistic to the two pro-war Labour MPs in Swindon."