I WOULD like to thank you on behalf of the trustees and members of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society for the support that you have given to the museum over the past month.

In particular Lewis Cowen has understood the predicament we faced and reported it with balance and understanding.

As a private museum we rely on grants, donations and legacies to continue our work. Achieving government targets for visitor numbers is a key element in both short and long-term funding.

Not only has the museum been able to obtain its full funding for the financial year just ended, it has also been able to demonstrate that its importance to the local community is recognised and is increasing.

In a world of life-long learning we believe that there is an important role for both the society and its museum that stretches beyond Devizes and indeed the United Kingdom.

Such development requires a strong base and that is what I am currently committed to building.

The support of the Gazette and Herald at this time has therefore been most welcome.



The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society

Long Street
