DISCARDED rubbish can cause untold damage to animals and their habitats. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust has produced a new leaflet to highlight this problem and encourage people to act responsibly.

The leaflet, called Stop Waste, Save Wildlife, highlights 12 steps you can follow to reduce your rubbish in 2004.

The Trust's waste prevention manager, Eleanor Noel-Johnson said: "When we buy and throw away goods we use up natural materials like oil without considering what effect this has on wildlife and our environment."

The new guide offers tips such as reusing old carrier bags, refusing to take excess packaging from shops and taking unwanted items to a charity shops or recycling centres. It also suggests buying long-life or refillable goods, stopping the junk mail that comes through your letterbox, and composting your garden refuse and kitchen peelings.

Ms Noel-Johnson said: "These are simple steps to take, and if everyone gets into these habits it will make a big difference."

The leaflet is available from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust on (01380) 725670.