A CHARITY set up for victims of asbestos-related disease and their families in the south west will hold its first meeting for people suffering from the condition next week.

The meeting, at the Upper Rooms, Regent Street, Swindon, at 2.30pm, is open to all asbestos sufferers ranging from patients with mild conditions through to those with life-threatening cancers.

The charity, the Swindon and South West Asbestos Group, was launched last year by Brigitte Chandler, industrial disease lawyer with solicitors, Charles Lucas and Marshall in Old Town.

Its aim is to raise awareness of asbestos-related illness, act as a support group and provide sufferers and their families with information relating to their condition, and advise on benefits, compensation claims and treatments available.

"The meeting has been advertised in all the hospitals in the south of England and we are expecting a high attendance both from sufferers and their families," said Ms Chandler.

Since the charity's launch, a widows and wives support group has been established.

Coun Derek Benfield, Mayor of Swindon, an ex-railwayman who has seen colleagues suffer from the disease, will be attending the meeting.