I HAVE just read another story about how Swindon's night life is getting out of control.

A mixture of drink and drugs is turning people crazy at 2am as they fight to get a taxi.

This is simply not true. I take great offence to the drugs part. The drug taking is a minority amount of cases and the largest amount of drugs taken often relax the user anyway.

I am in no way a drug user myself, and neither are any of my friends. Drink on the other and does cause people to be aggressive.

I myself like a drink and can easily consume £40 worth of drinks in one evening. In my long history of going out drinking I have only ever been in one fight and that was a misunderstanding between friends.

The individuals who start fights are the small minority and I think your future reports should suggest that.

We all know that alcohol in large amounts is bad for the body, this then has a knock on effect on the NHS as more and more people need treatment due to drink related problems.

However the pub and club industry is thriving and making the country a hell of a lot of money, the majority of people are drinking in moderation so stop getting at the masses and explain the full story.

David Titcombe

Kitchener Street