GAZETTE & HERALD: Work is progressing on the redevelopment of the Marden River in the Castle Park area of Calne.

Castlefields Canal and River Park Association (CARP) has developed a long-term project to revitalise the riverside.

Work has now been completed on the Haymeadow with re-seeding of wildflowers and improved access throughout the site and three interpretation boards have been positioned around the park.

Plans, subject to securing funding, include the development of the riverside pocket park next to Marden House gardens, improved seating and access within the Castle Park, enhancement of the canal town lock and creation of informal landscape zones.

Volunteers from Calne Nature Conservation Group and the Wilts and Berks Canal Trust regularly maintain vegetation next to the river and canal.

CARP trustee Ian Stone said: "The trust is always looking for business sponsors."

For more information contact trust secretary, Debbie Smith (01249) 814848 or