The Red Cross is looking for people who have benefited from its work to come forward and share their stories.

The charity, which has been helping people in crisis across the world for 60 years, is celebrating its achievements as part of Red Cross Week, which starts tomorrow.

This year it is highlighting the vital role played by the British Red Cross from World War Two to the present day.

Now people who have been helped are being asked to share their experiences.

Wayne Lewis, of the Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucester Red Cross, said: "Maybe you or a friend were helped by the Red Cross in an emergency, or maybe you were a prisoner of war and survived on Red Cross food parcels."

Swindon Mayor Derek Benfield will be meeting Red Cross volunteers and staff at 1pm on May7 at Asda Wal-Mart in North Swindon.

For further details about Red Cross Week or to share a Red Cross story call Mary Harrington on 01380 730131.