On April 24, The Stella Rogers Select held a concert at Bath Road Methodist Church called Voices of Spring and raised £610 for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

Our support of this charity grew from my admiration for a partially sighted student who is able to attend her lessons with the help of her beautiful guide dog.

After my initial delight at the amount raised, I realised that it was but a drop in the ocean as the charity gets no government funding. Has everybody heard about the Shades For A Day event which will take place nationally on Tuesday, July 13 2004? The idea is for workplaces, schools and clubs to raise funds by asking people to donate £1 to Guide Dogs to wear their shades. You can register at www.shadesforaday.org.uk or by calling 0845 600 6787. I would like to thank everyone who came along to the concert and supported both the singers and guides dogs.

Stella Rogers

Capesthorne Drive, Haydon Wick