GAZETTE & HERALD: A POPULAR Scout jumble sale has been forced to close down after more than 30 years, because of red tape and legislation.

The annual jumble sale organised by the 1st Chippenham Scouts in the Scout Hut in Audley Road has raised around £700 a year for the group, and regularly attracted queues of bargain hunters.

But new rules and regulations and a decline in parental support have obliged the group's committee to draw the curtains on the jumble sale. It will leave a large hole in the budget and could mean a rise in subscriptions.

Fund-raiser Elizabeth Sykes said that while youngsters could collect jumble with their parents, other volunteer helpers now had to undergo a police check.

She said sorting jumble and second hand goods for sale was also becoming a headache because they were no longer allowed to sell electrical goods, or furniture without a relevant fire safety label.

The disposal of unsold goods has also created difficulties, and the Scouts have to pick up the cost of hiring a skip.

"The jumble sale has been going on longer than anyone can remember," she said. "It would be very sad to see it close down, and I know people will be disappointed. We usually have a queue from noon, and doors don't open until 2pm.

"We've had very little parental support for the past few years. Parents are pleased for their boys to go out and join an organisation, but are not prepared to help out.

"We might have to put subscriptions up now. There are always things that need doing to the Scout hut."

The group has around 80 members, with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

Mrs Sykes, who started helping out with the Scouts when her 17-year-old son was five, said the Scout Hut was celebrating its 75th anniversary this year and was a part of the history of the town.

"It would be such a shame if the group had to fold. It's disappointing we can't find much support in Chippenham."