DON'T believe councillors when they say we have to build all these new houses because the numbers have been forced upon Swindon.

The Structure Plan to 2011 requires Swindon Borough Council to provide 23,000 homes from 1991.

The latest assessment of housing land in the borough at October 1 2003 shows there is 5,658 homes above Government requirements. This figure includes allocations in the Northern sector, the Front Garden and Coate, along with some substantial greenfield sites in the town.

Already the borough council is proposing to expand east of the A419 bypass and south of the Oxford Road. Add to this 2,000 or more empty houses in Swindon.

No one denies anyone a decent home but what are the chances the 6,000 families on the council house waiting list will benefit?

Jean saunders

Campaign Co-ordinator

Swindon Friends of the Earth