CAUGHT ON CAMERA: SPEED cameras have faced much criticism in recent months.

Some motorists claim they are a money-raising device and don't actually prevent dangerous driving.

The Association of British Drivers has been a vocal critic of speed cameras.

Its Wiltshire spokesman Mark McArthur-Christie said the latest report did not prove speed cameras also known as Gatsos prevented accidents.

He said: "The accident rates would have improved any way because accidents occur randomly.

"It is not always speeding that causes problems. The biggest cause of accidents is inattention."

He wants to see more traffic police on the roads and better road layouts at accident hotspots.

"Traffic police can stop dangerous, drunk or drugged up drivers. The Gatso can only take a photo of them.

"The camera partnerships have become a self-serving bureaucracy."

Another group, Motorists Against Detection, has been disarming speed cameras around the country in protest. It targeted Swindon earlier this year.

Its spokesman, known only as Captain Gatso, said: "Speed cameras are like a cancer spreading across the Western civilised world in the name of profit.

"People are now wise to them and they don't work. Motorists pay enough in road tax, petrol and VAT without another cost."