A campaign to cut down on domestic fires is being launched nationally.

Swindon and North Wiltshire's community fire safety officer Fraser Drummond said: "We are encouraging people to make a Fire Action Plan so they know what to do in the event of fire.

"In 2002, five people were killed and a further 71 were injured in domestic fires in Wiltshire. Thinking about how you would escape from your home can increase your chances of surviving a house fire. By making a plan and installing a working smoke alarm you can save yourself valuable time to escape before it is too late."

A Fire Action Plan should:

Identify all practical escape routes;

Take everyone into account;

Make sure everyone knows where door and window keys are kept;

Ensure exits are kept clear;

Identify when it's safer to stay put;

Include time to practice your Fire Action Plan

Find out more on www.firekills.gov.uk or visit Wiltshire Fire Brigade Website www.wiltshireforebrigade.gov.uk

Leaflets on making a Fire Action Plan are available from selected retailers supporting the campaign and Wiltshire Fire Brigade.