GAZETTE & HERALD: Walkers are calling for action to clear overgrowth on a footpath from Calne to Beckhampton.

At present the footpath is so overgrown with grass and weeds it is almost impossible to use.

Now Calne Community Area Transport is writing to Wiltshire County Council urging it to clear the path, which runs five miles along the A4 between Quemerford in Calne and the roundabout at Beckhampton.

Calne Cycle and Footpaths Group organiser Paul Ricketts asked Calne CAT, of which he is also a member, to put pressure on the county council.

A spokesman for Wiltshire County Council said that grass verges and footways beside highways are cut on a priority basis, with visibility for motorists being put first.

However, if asked, the council would consider a specific footpath and ensure that the work is carried out in line with the priority system.