SENIOR citizens' coach trips to an old time music hall venue reach the end of the road next week.

For 20 years John Holmes, the owner of the town centre music shop which bears his name, and a tireless charity fundraiser, has organised trips to Turners, in Northamp-ton.

It offers entertainment which harks back to the days of performers such as Gracie Fields and Tommy Trinder.

It is to close shortly and Mr Holmes is planning a trip, for which six tickets remain.

He said: "It is sad that Turners is closing and it will certainly be a big disappointment for the many people who have travelled there with us over the last two decades.

"Over the years I have been able to take many senior citizens on trips to enjoy a day out and be entertained at the music hall, but it is to close next month."

When he heard of the closure, Mr Holmes secured 100 tickets for a show on Tuesday, June 22.

The tickets cost £22, including coach travel, a three-hour show and lunch.

The coach will leave from Holmes Music, in Faringdon Road, at 10am on the day at return at 6.30pm. To book call 01793 522352.