I AM appalled to learn that Saturday Specials at the Marlborough Leisure Centre is under consideration for a price rise and reduction in hours. This is deplorable and totally outside the ethos of public service.

I would suggest Mr Hayday, who is conducting the consultation,

personally attends at least two Saturday Specials so he can see the

reality of what is being 'reviewed and consulted upon'. Does he have no understanding of the importance of this event to the children and to their parents or carers?

The loving 24-7 care given so willingly by parents and carers to children with disabilities is something that should be positively supported, not made harder by arbitrary fee rises and reduced facilities.

Councils have a duty to do provide events like this under their social inclusion duties, the Children's Bill (law from October) and a host of other statutory requirements.

It is time for Mr Hayday to go and take a look at the pleasure Saturday Special gives the youngsters who

attend. It is also time for him to put himself in the place of those on low incomes who also have to care for young people needing high levels of personal support.

Please don't say I don't know how a council works and I have no idea of budget pressures. I have been a council chief officer for more than a decade and it is to Kennet's shame that this price rise and facility

reduction should have ever been considered, let alone consulted upon.

How did I come to hear about this? You can't beat the local government grapevine.


