Ref. 31138-14Following Tuesday's story about the possible closure of the school (inset), mum Karen Turner wrote this letter:

My son is seven and has attended Chalet School since the age of three when he received a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

When he started at the Chalet School he was non-verbal and through the use of the wonderful staff and facilities there he can now communicate.

He is a very independent, loving, happy and mischievous little boy and without the continued input from the staff who have worked with him in his years at Chalet I really do not believe that we would be where we are now.

He is thriving, and even at his most mischievous both he and I are still supported by loving and attentive staff.

I cannot believe the borough is so short sighted to think that inclusion is the answer to these children. Inclusion, I'm sure, is a wonderful thing and when it works, it is a great success. But the inclusion protocol states that a child is entitled to inclusion as long as they do not affect the education of the other children in the classroom.

Allen would be a constant distraction. If he feels it is time to scream, he will, regardless of those present and whether he should or not.

I will be lobbying and campaigning hard with other parents to try and prevent the closure of this amazing school. Its staff put up with so much that a mainstream school would not just because they love the children and the job they do. Let's face it it isn't for the money.

Karen Turner, Somerville Road, Swindon