WHAT an amazing, ageist outburst from Suzanne B Lake (Your Letters, Monday, August 2).

I wonder if Suzanne bothered to read the Evening Advertiser thoroughly that day.

For instance, the 20- year-old who borrowed his cousin's Porsche sports car and was un-insured, and then crashed it (good job you weren't crossing the road then Suzanne), or the teenager already banned for dangerous driving and caught behind the wheel again. And recently while I was driving along Park Lane and stopped just before Dean Street at the traffic lights to allow other drivers access, when amazingly a young lady driver did three 'bunny hops' which took her onto the pavement, inches from a garden wall (good job you weren't on that pavement Suzanne), then a reverse 'bunny hop' (with a pike and half-twist), brought her back in line with Dean Street, a final screech and lunge and she was off the pavement and away, and guess what! All of that with one hand on the wheel and the other holding her mobile phone, a manoeuvre that we oldies could never master.

The truth is, there are good and bad drivers of all ages, and age alone should not be a factor in deciding whether a person is fit to drive.

Kenneth White
