Homeless people: Coun Milton's Comments reported on Friday, August 6, were both misinformed and complacent.

On Thursday when a soup kitchen is run in the centre of town, we became aware that those arrested had been re-released without their possessions, which had been lost during the process, and we had to resupply blankets, clothes and toiletries.

The councillor should be aware that an outreach worker employed by Threshold Housing Link attends both the Breakfast club and the filling station throughout the year and those on the streets are aware already of the benefits and limited support that is available to them.

I'm sure that no one would condone the public feeling threatened by homeless people. However until a hostel is provided where those under the influence of drink or drugs can seek shelter and support arrest is not going to help.

The public could put pressure on councillors to make the funds available. Threshold Housing Link has been trying to open such a place for about six years.

It is a fact that most of those who are on the street have an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Their addiction will not be cured by arrest, but by support and hard work by those who are.

Please ask the councillors to address the problem by providing funds so that proper provision can be made.



The Filling Station
