Santa shapes up ready for a busy DecemberSANTA is continuing to bombard a Bratton pub with postcards from his travels around the globe.

Pictures of the model Father Christmas, who disappeared from The Duke after a New Year's Eve party, are reaching the pub on almost a daily basis.

Santa's energy shows no sign of letting up since the story was first revealed in the Wiltshire Times last month, as this picture shows.

Landlord Ian Overend believes a team of locals are behind the prank, but is yet to track them down.

He said: "I reckon it's two or three people operating together because there are different sorts of handwriting. One of them could be a travelling rep.

"It's definitely somebody in the village because the odd one of these is put through the letter box by hand."

Santa's postcards promise he will return for Christ-mas, but say he has plenty more travelling to do.

Lesley Findlay, who works at The Duke, said: "I'm really missing him. A lot of people are coming in to look at the photos, they are out practically every night."

One of Santa's most recent postcards show him bouncing on a trampoline and on another he is ringing the bell in the church tower on the island of Lundy.

He said: "I misjudged how fast the rope would travel up so decided to hang on nearly hung myself. All the islanders came to my assistance and set me free so that I could catch the boat back."