WARMINSTER town centre is looking very shabby and needs to attract new businesses, a group of traders has claimed.

The newly formed Warminster Independent Traders Association believes one solution to the problem would be to appoint a town centre manager.

At its first meeting last month the group decided only independent businesses within the BA12 postcode could be full members. Large national stores and institutions such as banks and building societies will be welcomed as associate members.

Groups spokesman Mark Brassington said: "It was also agreed that Warminster town centre was looking very shabby, with many empty premises, litter, weeds and fly posting."

WITA, which already has more than 50 members, hopes to have a big say in local trade issues and is looking for more members to join. Its next meeting is at 7pm on August 25 at Jacqueline's Restaurant.

For more information or to join the group contact Mark Brassington on (01985) 217373. Please avoid calling at lunchtime.