I refer to your article 'Domestic violence is getting out of control' (Gazette, August 12).

The text appears to have been extracted from an article in the Evening Advertiser and fails to include a police response or quote.

The article implies a rift between ourselves and the Women's Refuge and this certainly is not the case.

The Wiltshire Constabulary takes domestic violence very seriously. We strive to reassure the public that every report is thoroughly investigated because this type of offence will not be tolerated.

We are conscious that there has been an under-reporting of domestic violence in the past and the profile of this issue has now been raised. We work in partnership with other agencies to encourage individuals to report instances of domestic violence. Nationally, legislation is currently going through Parliament to tighten the law on domestic violence.

Officers from our Domestic Violence Unit work closely with the Woman's Refuge, and Jenni Manners in particular, to provide support to victims of these crimes. More victims are now coming forward due to a heightened awareness of the issue and I understand that this increase is reflected elsewhere.

There is no evidence to suggest a link between police activity in the town centre and an increase in domestic violence. However, we do take a positive approach to policing disorder and alcohol-related violence at that location.

I wish to redress the balance because this article has had a detrimental effect on the morale of police officers and staff from other agencies who work hard to tackle domestic

violence. It may also serve to undermine people's confidence in coming forward to report incidents. We have an excellent working relationship with Jenni and her staff which,

ultimately, helps to provide the care and support required by victims.

Everyone at the front line of dealing with domestic violence needs to focus their efforts. For every victim there is a perpetrator so, to do otherwise, would serve to exempt the violent person from responsibility for their actions.

I hope that you now have a

balanced picture of how, in partnership with others, we deal with domestic violence. All agencies have a responsibility to determine why there has been an apparent increase but the reasons are likely to be varied and not attributable to one isolated cause.

